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Plan Supporters

Angla Haynes, Senior Business Consultant / Strategic Planner
Anthony Robins, LLC, Design Build Consultants
Anthony Shahid, Tauheed Youth Group
Brandon Bosley, Alderman
Brian Phillips, Washington University Medical Center
Buwa Binitie, Dante Partners
Carolyn Seward, Family & Workforce Centers of America (FWCA)
Charlene Dummett, Enright Association
Charles Bussey, Consultant
Cheryl Walker, RSHC Law
Craig Collier, Collier Bro.
Dan Kammerer, STL Prime Properties
Dana Scott-Person, Tower Real Estate Group
Darrel Bussey, Urgent Care Consultant
Stephen Westbrook | Executive Director – Southern Region IFF
Derrick Hibbler OLP Holdings
Dick Piatcheck, New Urban Consulting
Dr. Lance McCarthy, Ferguson 1000
Erica L. Henderson, CEcD, Managing Principal & CEO
Etefia Umana, Board President, Better Family Life

Ethel Byndom
Floyd Simms, Simms Building Group
Fred Wessels, Former Director CDA and Current State Of Missouri Representative 
Freeman Bosley, Jr.
Jacqueline Davis-Wellington, EDFP
Jade Harrell, Clear Channel
James Dwyer, Central West End Assoc.
Jeffery Hardin
Jermal Seward, Jr., FWCA
Jim Whyte, Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative
John Muhammad, Alderman
John Watson, 18th Ward Committeeman
Kamau Whitfield, Simms Building Group
Senator Karla May, President, St. Louis Philanthropic Organization
Ken Hutchinson
Lewis Bernstein, Bernstein Realty
Lisa Potts, Delmar Main Street
Lloyd J. Jordan, Motley Waller
Lt. Cheryl Orange, SLMPD
Marvin Steele, Board President, Heartland St. Louis Black Chamber of Commerce
Michael McMillan, St. Louis Urban League
Mike Jones, Wisdom Works Printing
Minister Akbar Muhammad, International Representative of the Nation of Islam
Naim Henderson
Neal Richardson,SLDC
Neighborhood Stabilization Team (NST)
Norman Ross, Fountain Park Neighborhood Assc.

Pamela McLucas, Inhabit Properties

Rev. Dinah Tatman, Board member, Director of public safety, Assistant Director of public safety, ParkPlace HED
Rev. Ken McKoy, MOSES
Rodney Hubbard, Siete Consulting
Ronald A. Norwood, Diversity & Inclusion Committee– Lewis Rice
Ronald Gregory, New Millennium Group
Shavette Wayne-Jones, LRA
Terry Wilson, Annual Fund Director Beyond Housing
Tim O’Donell, P2 Properties
Tim Person, Consultant
Tom Shepard, Chief of Staff St. Louis Board of Alderman
Walle Amusa, Consultant


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